When the name of Martin Luther King, Jr. is mentioned the usual accompanying thought is related to civil rights.  When we hear the name Bruce Springsteen our minds go to music. However, a person does not have to be famous to leave a legacy. In fact, we all will leave a legacy, The word legacy is defined in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary as  "something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past".  Simply put,  our legacy will be what we are remembered for or remembered as. Each day we are writing our legacy and it will live on long after we are gone. Consider some of the important people in your life. What comes to mind when you think of them? How do/did they impact your life?  Mike Murdock once said “I will be remembered for 2 things: the problems I cause and the problems I solve.” How would you like to be remembered? What can you begin doing today to create the legacy and memories you want to leave?

INSIGHT: Our reputation precedes us but our legacy follows us. Each is quite powerful.