Open your mouth, what did you say?
‘Twas nothing negative, I do pray
Know that power lies not in the size of a thing
But in the force with which it swings
Each man possesses a fairly small member
That is able to build dams and to fall timber
I speak of the tongue, as you might know
It plants seeds and causes them to grow
Open your mouth, what did you say?
Hope it was nothing to spoil your day
Your words are mighty and quite great
They spread love’s message or one of hate
Your words go farther than ever will your hands
They can reach many a soul in foreign lands
Your words can bring smiles to child’s face
In them children should find a trusting place
Open your mouth, what did you say?
A foundation for the future your words do lay
In the words of your tongue, you hold death and life
The words of your tongue can bring peace or strife
With the words of your tongue,
a home you can build
With the words of your tongue dreams you can kill
Open you’re your mouth, what did you say?
Please, nothing another man’s life to fray
So what will you do with this power you possess?
Oh, it is time now to put it to the test
But before the words you speak next,
Take a moment pause think and reflect
Realize that the words you say may forever live on
They may encourage a heart, halt a rumor,
Or right a wrong
Now, open your mouth and what will you say?
Hopefully, words that will show one The Way
Copyright Loria Lofton, LMFT